How to Delete Reddit Account on Mobile | Reddit Account Delete
How to Delete Reddit Account on Mobile. Reddit Account delete.In this article I will tell you how to delete Reddit account from your mobile. It is very easy to delete Reddit account from your mobile only in 5 minutes. We will discuss it properly and I will tell you with details and screenshots. Just follow the instructions & screenshots and and then you can delete your Reddit account very easily.. Let's start the topic
Delete Reddit Account :-
First of all Uninstall Reddit app from your mobile because there is no option of deleting account in Reddit app. We will use Google Chrome to delete our Reddit account..
Now we will open Google Chrome in our mobile and we will search in search bar and open it..
When you will search you will land on Reddit home page there you will see two options. Reddit app add Google Chrome..
You will open Google Chrome don't click on Reddit app.
When you will click on continue in front of Google Chrome the next page will be opened, there you will see 3 lines on top left corner off page click those three lines.
When you will click on three lines then next taskbar will be opened, there you will see an option of login or sign up.
There you will click on login option
On next page you will see an option of already a Redditor in front of that option you will see login option. click on it
On next page there will be 2 options ,you will type there Username and Password of your Reddit account which you want to delete..
After typing your username and password click on login option
When you log in your account on next page you will see three lines on top right corner of page in screenshot click on those 3 Lines..
When you will click on three lines the taskbar will be opened, there you will see an option of settings and also you will see a down arrow option infront of setting option.
Click on the down arrow option you can see this option in screenshot I am sharing below
When you will click on down arrow option in front of settings, a new task bar will be opened on that taskbar you will see an option of Account Settings click on it..
When you click on Account Settings next page will be opened, you will Scroll down a little bit at the end of the page you will see an option of Delete Account ,you will click on it
On the next page you will be asked to give your username and password of your Reddit account you will fill your Username and Password and then click on check option and then press the delete button
You can check these Four Steps in screenshot I mentioned with numbering 1,2,3,4. Follow these steps like screen shot.
After clicking on delete button you will be asked again Are you sure you want to delete your Reddit account .Click on delete yes I'm sure...
By clicking the delete button you'll be shifted to new page and now your account has been deleted finally it's all done...
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